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Diana Vanessa Gutierrez Espinoza

Current Professional Activity

  • Research assistant at the Center for Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights of the Inter-American Academy of Human Rights of the Autonomous University of Coahuila.

Actividad Profesional

Academic training 

  • Master's Degree in Human Rights with an International and Comparative Perspective (2019-2021) at the Inter-American Academy of Human Rights of the Autonomous University of Coahuila

  • Specialty in Rights and Guarantees of Victims of Disappearance (2018-2019) at the Inter-American Academy of Human Rights of the Autonomous University of Coahuila

  • Law Degree at the Faculty of Jurisprudence of the University of Coahuila (2013-2014)

Formación Académica

Main Publications  

Articles in Magazines  

  • Jurisprudential commentary for the Akademía magazine judgment of the Inter-American Court Carvajal Carvajal vs. Colombia "Death, silence and impunity: the protection of journalists". November 2018.

  • Jurisprudence Commentary  for Akademia magazine  sentence of the IDH Court Women victims of sexual violence vs. Mexico, 2019.

  • Article Mirages of justice and truth the mothers of the disappeared in Akademía Magazine. November, 2018.

  • Article The state of exception. A vision from the Inter-American System. January, 2021.

Principales publicaciones

Chapters of books

  • Chapter Cultural Rights in the Book Why human rights? (2020)

  • Chapter The political rights of human rights defenders and indigenous leaders in the Inter-American Court: I study judgments against Guatemala (2021). 

Reconocimientos y Premios

Acknowledgments and Awards 


  • Second place recognition of academic achievement of the LXX generation of the Faculty of Jurisprudence of the Autonomous University of Coahuila (2018).

  • Recognition of academic excellence Specialty of Rights and Guarantees of Victims of Disappearance of the Inter-American Academy of Human Rights (2018-2019).

  • Third place recognition  in the National Debate Competition on Political Rights (2017).

honorable mentions

  • "The truth commissions for the disappearance of people in Latin America" thesis of Specialty in Rights and Guarantees of the Victims of Disappearance approved unanimously with honorable mention (March 2020).


  • Scholarship at the Center for Civil and Political Rights Academia IDH UA de C.

  • Scholarship at the State Executive Commission for Attention to Victims of Coahuila de Zaragoza

  • Scholarship  at the Center for Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights Academia IDH UA de C.

  • Academic Excellence Scholarship of the Autonomous University of Coahuila



  • Class Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights of the Autonomous University of Nuevo León human rights course at the undergraduate level (November 20, 2020)

  • Commercial law course at Carolina University (January-July 2019)

  • General process theory course at Carolina University (January-July 2019)

  • Module 1 General concepts about security forces and human rights in the Human Rights Training Program for the state police (October 2019)

  • “The human right of people to be sought as comprehensive reparation measures. A  vision from the Idh Court” Master's thesis in Human Rights with International and Comparative Perspective (2021) (in process)

  • “The right to health in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Mexican landscape  (2021) La effettività dei diritti fondamentali nel 2021 Il cammino dei diritti negli ultimi dieci anni atraverso dieci incontri X Edizione) (in process)

  • "The double crisis for the rights of victims of disappearance''. Study of the Mexican case in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic" ) dissertation (in process).

  • “The state of exception. A vision from the Inter-American Human Rights System” for Akademìa Magazine special edition Covid-19)

  • Project “The right to health and interculturality”. The reparation measures of the Inter-American Court) (in process)

  • Individual project "The disappearance of people under a gender perspective" (2020) ) (in process)

  • Individual project "The human right to be wanted" for the First International Congress of Forensic Anthropology in the axis of memory, justice and truth (2020)

  • Individual project "The truth commissions for the disappearance of people in Latin America" for the First International Congress of Forensic Anthropology in the axis of memory, justice and truth (2021)

  • Participation in the project The protection of the families of disappeared persons: the [non] compliance with ESCER in inter-American judgments (2020).

  • Participation in the Inter-American Human Rights System project  and the Mexican System (2020).

  • Participation in the project of the reparation measures ordered by the Inter-American Court in matters of  housing (2020).

  • Research project "The truth commissions for the disappearance of people in Latin America" thesis of Specialty in Rights and Guarantees of the Victims of Disappearance approved unanimously with honorable mention (March 2020).

  • Participation in the 5th anniversary book project of the IDH Academy (2020) ) (in process)

  •   Participation Report on the Coahuila 2021 electoral process, axis 3 electoral propaganda gender bias in the media (social networks, radio and television)

  • Participation in the AIDH project and the University of Milan for the execution of judgments of the ECHR and the Inter-American Court on political rights (September 2020) ) (in process)

  • Participation in the ODA-FAO project on the right to food in Mexico: Analysis and follow-up of the reports presented by the  GTPSS 2015-2018 (2020-2021).

  • Participation in the FONCYT project Diagnosis of the guarantee and protection of the human right to water in the Central and Laguna regions of the state of Coahuila de Zaragoza, analysis of the human right to water in Coahuila de Zaragoza in coordination with the Human Rights Commission in Coahuila ( 2020-2021) ) (in process)

  • Participation in the CONACYT project, a community program with an educational approach for children and adolescent relatives who are victims of disappeared persons in Coahuila de Zaragoza (2020-2021)  (in process)

  • Participation in the AIDH project DESCA-SCJN workshop analysis of the sentences issued by the SCJN from June 2011 to 2019, which have an impact on any of the rights contemplated in the DESCA group (2019-2020).

  • Participation in the project Observations on the advisory opinion Request for an Advisory Opinion to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights scope of the obligations of the States, under the Inter-American System, on the Guarantees of Freedom of Association, its relationship with other Rights  and application from a gender perspective (2020).

  • Participation in the development of the human rights program for Coahuila de Zaragoza, axis 2 Coahuila with an adequate standard of living (2019-2020).

  • Participation in the project “Analysis of the situation of adolescents in conflict with the law with a human rights perspective: the right to education”, in the Youth and Labor Insertion Forum: a company for all”, La Salle University (December 4 2019)

  • Participation in the execution project of the judgments of the Inter-American Court. Report on the execution of the reparation measures issued in the sentences (2018-2019).

  • Participation in the project Update of the PROFADE 2019 diagnosis, report on the needs and problems of relatives of missing persons in  Coahuila de Zaragoza (2019).

  • Participation in the ODA-FAO project Food and nutritional security of people or population groups with high environmental vulnerability and/or migratory people. The case of Mexico and Central America (2020).

  • Participation in the ODA-FAO project Judicial experiences in Latin America and the Caribbean regarding food labeling for children  (2018).

  • Participation in the technical advisory project to the State Commission of Victims of the State of Coahuila de Zaragoza for the modification of the operating rules and distribution criteria (2017-2020).

  • Participation in the project Protocol for the care of women victims of gender-based violence due to the gender alert request in Coahuila de Zaragoza (2018).

Proyectos de Investigación

Research Projects 

Congresses, Conferences and Seminars

  • National Assembly of Labor Law and Social Welfare in Puebla (2016)

  • Presentation of the DESCA-SCJN Workshop "The social security rights of domestic work, analysis of the sentence of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation Amparo Directo 09/2018", with the Mtro. Andres Marcelo Diaz Fernandez.

  • Presentation of the DESCA-SCJN Workshop “Economic rights and access to culture, a debate between DESCA”, with Dr. Eduardo Román González.

  • "The truth commissions for the disappearance of people in Latin America" for the First International Congress of Forensic Anthropology in the axis of memory, justice and truth. December 2012

  • “The right to health in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Mexican landscape  (2021) La effettività dei diritti fondamentali nel 2021 Il cammino dei diritti negli ultimi dieci anni atraverso dieci incontri X Edizione)

Congresos, Conferencias y Saminarios

Other relevant academic information

Otra información académica relevante


  • Course Methodology of legal comparison. models of constitutional, supranational, electoral and environmental justice, Center for Studies on Latin America of the University of Bologna (June 2020)

  • Intensive training course for the use of Maxqda INNTRAS AC, Innovation for Social and Community transformation (March 2019)

  • Course to effettività dei diritti fondamentali nel 2021 Il camino dei diritti negli ultimi dieci anni atraverso dieci incontri X Edizione) (2021)

Dissemination/Newspaper columns/Blog


  • Participation in the synod of general knowledge exams in the Specialty of Rights and Guarantees of Victims of Disappearance (2021) 

  • Participation in the evaluation of the applicants of the postgraduate specialties of the Inter-American Academy of Human Rights of the Autonomous University of Coahuila (2021-2021).

  •   Judge of the written stage of the XXIV Edition of the Eduardo Jiménez de Aréchaga Competition (CEJA)  (November 15, 2020)

  • Science and Technology Meeting 2020 (ECyT 2020) organized by the UAdeC through the Research and Postgraduate Department and aimed at the scientific community and postgraduate students. Table of  structural violence and gender in education

​Areas of interest 

Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights, Vulnerable groups, Compensation for comprehensive damage for victims of human rights violations, Transitional Justice, Inter-American Human Rights System, Rights and guarantees of victims of disappearance.

Áreas de Interés


  • Advanced English.

  • Spanish, native language.


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