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Hugo Morales


  • President of the Human Rights Commission of the State of Coahuila de Zaragoza — 2019-To date.

  • Delegate of the Attorney General of the State of Coahuila, Laguna I Region — 2018-2019

  • Founding Partner of LAGUNA LEGAL SC, Torreón, Coahuila — 2005-2017

  • Consultant, legal advisor and litigator.

  • Independent Applicant Lawyer, Torreón, Coahuila. — 1998-1999

Teaching and academic activity

  • ARCA-net, Germany - Researcher.

  • UANL-PGJENL, Monterrey, NL — Professor of the Master of Science with a specialty in Criminal Law.

  • UACH, Chihuahua, Chihuahua. — Professor of the Master in Law specializing in Criminal Law.

  • IMPOSHUAC, Torreon, Coahuila. — Professor of the Doctorate in Law.

  • UAdeC, Torreón Unit, Coahuila. — Professor of the Master in Criminal Law

  • Iberoamerican University, Torreon, Coahuila. — Professor of Law Degree.

  • Inter-American Academy of Human Rights - Researcher


  • Doctorate in Law with Specialization in Current Problems of Criminal Law — University of Salamanca, Spain.

  • Master's Degree in Comparative Criminal Law and Criminology. — University of Wales, UK.

  • Master in International Corporate Law. — Iberoamerican University, Torreon, Coahuila.

  • Diploma of Advanced Studies in Criminal Law (DEA)- —University of Salamanca, Spain.

  • Law degree. — Iberoamerican University, Torreon, Coahuila.


  • Certification of standard of competence of the United Nations Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners (Nelson Mandela Rules).


  • Dr. Hugo Morales Valdés has taken various preparation and training courses for officials of the Federal Judiciary, as well as specialized courses in economic, criminal, constitutional and human rights law.

research stays

  • Antonio Cicu Law Institute of the University of Bologna, Italy (Instituto Giuridico Antonio Cicu de la Università degli Studi a Bologna)

  • Center for Comparative Criminology and Criminal Justice of the University of Wales, United Kingdom (University of Wales)

  • Max Planck Institute for International and German Criminal Law (Max Planck Institut für internationales und deutsches Strafrecht)

Relevant Posts

  • "Approach to the Legal Good as the limit of the Ius Puniendi", Tirant Lo Blanco, Mexico, 2020.

  • “Juridical good, social damage and scandals of social impact. A constitutional perspective”, in Power and crime: Financial and political scandals, Edition Coordinated by Laura Zúñica Rodríguez, M. Concepción Gorjón Barranco, Julio Fernández García and Lina Mariola Díaz Cortés, Ratio Legis, Salamanca, Spain, 2012.

  • “Devaluation of Action and Devaluation of Result”, Leyer, Bogotá DC, Colombia, 2009.

  • "Criminal Responsibility in Common Law", English Case, Porrúa, Mexico City, 2007.

  • “Action undervalue” and “result undervalue. Analysis Around its Dogmatic-Criminal Location with Special Emphasis on the Offensive Principle”, in Criminal Law and Post-Industrial Criminality, edited by Gustavo Balmaceda Hoyos, Carlos Castro Cuenca and Luís Felipe Henao Cardona, Ediciones Jurídicas de Santiago, Santiago de Chile , 2007.

Social responsibility activities

  • Member of the Lagunero Business Group (GEL)

  • Counselor of the National Chamber of Commerce, Tourism and Services of Torreón, Coahuila. (CANACO)

  • Counselor and President of the Local Delegation of the Red Cross of Torreón, Coahuila.

  • Editorial Commentator - Grupo Radio Estéreo Mayrán

  • Regular participation in Analysis Table - Televisa Laguna

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