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Jessica Esquivel Alonso

Professional activity

  • Director of the Center for Political and Civil Rights of the Inter-American Academy of Human Rights, Saltillo, Coahuila, November 4, 2019-present.

  • Coordination of research projects, seminars, forums and observatories. Master's and specialty teaching. Participation as a judge and author in various publications of recognized prestige. Active member of human rights research bodies.

  • General Coordinator of the Center for Political and Civil Rights of the Inter-American Academy of Human Rights, Saltillo, Coahuila, February 1-November 5, 2019.

  • Coordination of research projects, seminars, forums and observatories. Master's and specialty teaching. Participation as a judge and author in various publications of recognized prestige. Active member of human rights research bodies.

  • Secretary of Study and Account in the Presentation of Magistrate Indalfer Infante Gonzales, Superior Chamber of the Electoral Court of the Judicial Power of the Federation, Mexico City, February 1 - December 15, 2018.

  • Preparation of sentence projects, opinions, review of jurisprudential criteria in electoral matters, interventions, informative notes and investigations on electoral, constitutional and conventional law issues.

  • Advisor to the Presentation of Minister Jorge Mario Pardo Rebolledo in the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation. DF, Mexico, October 1, 2015 – January 31, 2018.

  • Activities carried out: Collaboration in the preparation of sentence projects with special emphasis on controversies and actions of unconstitutionality, opinions, informative notes and legal research on constitutional issues.

  • Scholar of the Constitutional Court. Scholarship for legal training in the Court related to constitutional doctrine. Madrid, Spain, October 17, 2011 – October 31, 2012.

  • Analyst of the Constitutional Doctrine Service of the Constitutional Court.  (Scholarship resolution published in the Official State Gazette, BOE A-2011-15645).

  • Activities carried out in the Doctrine Service of the Constitutional Court:

  • Fellow of the Consortium for the commemoration of the II Centenary of the Constitution of 1812. Cádiz, Spain. March to July 2011.

  • Activities carried out: Research on the parliamentary debates of the Cortes of Cádiz. Revision of the Doceñista Project. The project developed an investigation on the History of Law. The objective was to nourish with new contributions of a historicist nature the work of different illustrious personalities who influenced the Constitution of 1812 through the analysis of documents compiled from different Spanish archives. Likewise, it participated in the organization of cultural events related to the celebrations of the Bicentennial of the Constitution of 1812.

  • Intern of the Ombudsman. Madrid Spain. May 3 to 31, 2010

  • Activities carried out: Collaboration in research on the figure of the ombudsman in Comparative Law. Project carried out by the Documentation and Publication Service of the Ombudsman.

  • Fellow of the National Security Archive, Washington, United States. Cago: Research Assistant. Date: February 1 – May 15, 2009.

  • Activities carried out: Collaboration in the Mexico Project. Carrying out various activities related to the Right of access to public information in Mexico and the United States. Review of some transparency and accountability laws. Likewise, it collaborated in the coordination of the event “Access to public information as a research tool”. Given on July 14, 2009 in Torreón, Coahuila.

  • Electoral and Citizen Participation Institute of Coahuila. Department: Center for Strategic Studies. Cago: Legal Advisor. Date: September 15, 2006 - October 12, 2009.

  • Activities carried out: Compilation and systematization of jurisprudence of the Electoral Court of the Judicial Power of the Federation. Follow-up of the resolutions of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation related to electoral matters. Preparation of legal projects, opinions, agreements and reports. Preparation of technical files on the topics to be discussed in the sessions of the general council. 

  • Social Service in the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation. Program: “Journalistic analysis project”. Legal-Administrative Department. Entry through a contest that was developed under the direction of Lic. Arely Freyssinier Gómez, Head of Department of the General Directorate of Personnel of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation. Alternate Building of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, Calle 16 de Septiembre, number 38, Floor I, Col. Cuauhtémoc Delegation Center, DF. Mexico. Social service time: March 15 to September 18, 2006. Covering a total of 480 hours.

  • Activities carried out: Systematization and compilation of news, reports and interviews in the written press of national circulation in which information related to the main sentences issued by the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation appeared.

Actividad profesional
Formación académica

Academic training

  • Doctor of Law from the Complutense University of Madrid.  Thesis: “Freedom of expression and propaganda in electoral campaign”. Qualification: Outstanding “cum laude” unanimously.  Thesis Defense: July 14, 2015.  Directors: Dr. Ignacio Torres Muro and Dr. Rafael Rubio Núñez.  Tribunal: Alfonso Fernández-Miranda Campoamor (president), Asunción García Martínez (sria.), Jorge Mario Pardo Rebolledo (member), Ignacio Borrajo Iniesta (member) and Enrique Álvarez Conde (member). 

  • Basic course of formation and preparation of Secretaries of the Judicial Power of the Federation. Specialty studies. Judicial power of the Federation.  Degree obtaining date: March 22, 2019.  General knowledge test.

  • Master in Parliamentary Law, Elections and Legislative Studies. Complutense University of Madrid.  Thesis: “Freedom of expression in electoral campaigns”.  Degree obtaining date: September 27, 2011  Director of the final work: Dr. Ignacio Torres Muro. 

  • Master in Hispanic Studies. Democracy and freedom. Cadiz University. Faculty of Philosophy.  Degree obtaining date: March 9, 2012Accreditation of Professional Research Practices in: Consortium for the Commemoration of the II Centenary of the Constitution of 1810. January to June 2011.

  • Diploma in Political Science and Constitutional Law. Center for Political and Constitutional Studies, Madrid.  Degree obtaining date: October 13, 2013Final work to obtain the diploma: “Negative propaganda and political disaffection: The Mexican Electoral Campaign of 2006”.  Director of the final work: Dr. Oscar García Luengo.

  • Diploma from the Washington Center. Governor Program.  Institution Washington Center for Internships and Academics Seminars. Washington D.C.  End of studies date: May 29, 2009.  Accreditation of Professional Research Practices in the National Security Archive. January to May 2009.

  • Graduated in Law. Autonomous University of Coahuila. Faculty of Jurisprudence.  Degree obtaining date: March 11, 2008.  Professional thesis: Electronic Voting: "Advancing in the last electoral revolution: The Electronic Ballot Box in Coahuila".  Thesis director: Dr. Lorenzo Córdova Vianello.




  • Inter-American Academy of Human Rights.  2021. Total hours: 8 

  • Course Program 1. Development of Competence StandardsCouncil for Standardization and Certification of Labor Competence (KNOW)2020. Total hours: 5 

  • Course Program 14. Elaboration of Competence Assessment InstrumentsCouncil for Standardization and Certification of Labor Competence (KNOW)2020. Total hours: 5 

  • Course Program 20. Coordination of Technical Groups for the Development of Competency StandardsCouncil for Standardization and Certification of Labor Competence (KNOW)2020. Total hours: 5 

  • Course Connect your research cycle with ElsevierElsevier Inc.  2020. Total hours: 3

  • Course Supporting the open access of production, academic (Visibility, Consulting, Indexing)Elsevier Inc.  2020. Total hours: 3.

  • Accreditation of Secretary of Study and Account of the Superior Chamber of the Electoral Court of the Judicial Power of the Federation.  Electoral Court of the Judicial Power of the Federation.  2018. Total hours 200.

  • Basic Training and Preparation Course for Secretaries of the Judicial Power of the FederationInstitute of the Federal Judiciary2019. Total hours: 402

  • Course System of annulments in electoral mattersElectoral Court of the Judicial Power of the Federation2018. Total hours: 40

  • Course Introduction to Mexican electoral lawElectoral Court of the Judicial Power of the Federation2018. Total hours: 40.

  • Course Interpretation and legal argumentationElectoral Court of the Judicial Power of the Federation2018. Total hours: 40

  • Electoral sanctioning regime course: PES and POSElectoral Court of the Judicial Power of the Federation2018. Total hours: 40.

  • Course The model of financing and control in MexicoElectoral Court of the Judicial Power of the Federation2018. Total hours: 40

  • Congresses and SeminarsEvent: International Congress "Ombudsman and Democracy"Venue: September 25-27, 2013, Madrid, Spain.Organizing entity/group: Center for Political and Constitutional Studies

  • Event: Meeting “Constitutional democracy and its challenges”Venue: September 4 to 6, 2013 (3:00 p.m.), Santander, Spain.  Organizing entity/group: Menéndez Pelayo International University. 

  • Event: Seminar “The transformations of contemporary democracy”Venue: July 18 to 22, 2011 (30 hours), Santander Spain.  Organizing entity/group: Menéndez Pelayo International University

  • Event: VIII Giménez Abad Seminar.  Venue: April 25-29, 2011, Madrid, Spain.  Organizing entity/group: Senate

  • Event: VII International Doceañista Congress "The Spains and the Americas: the Spaniards of both hemispheres in the face of the crisis of independence"Venue: March 15 to March 17, 2011 (30 hours), Cádiz, Spain.  Organizing entity/group: University of Cadiz

  • Event: Seminar “One hundred years after the Mexican Revolution”Venue: August 2 to 6, 2010 (30 hours), Santander Spain.  Organizing entity/group: Menéndez Pelayo International University.

  • Event: Seminar: Sources of documentation and access to databasesVenue: February 9, 2010 (4 hours), Madrid, Spain.  Organizing entity/group: Center for Political and Constitutional Studies.


research stay

  • University of Bologna. Date: July 1 - September 30, 2011

academic production



  • Esquivel Alonso, Yessica (2018): Freedom of political expression and negative propaganda, Tirant lo Blanch, Mexico City, Mexico. ISBN 978-84-9143-926-4, pp. 367. Publication: March 1, 2018

Coordinaciones de libros:

  • Esquivel Alonso, Yessica (Coord.), Ríos, Vega Luis Efrén- Spigno Irene (Dirs.), “Estudios de casos líderes nacionales y locales. Vol. XXV. La justicia electoral a debate”, Tirant Lo Blanch, México, ISBN 978-84-1397-979-6, págs. 480. 1 febrero 2022

  • Esquivel Alonso, Yessica (Coord.), Ríos, Vega Luis Efrén- Spigno Irene (Dirs.), “El transfuguismo. Un debate político, constitucional y comparado”, Tirant Lo Blanch, México, ISBN 978-84-1397-181-0, págs. 384. 31 enero 2022

  • Esquivel Alonso, Yessica y Pérez Moneo, Miguel (Coords.), Ríos, Vega Luis Efrén- Spigno Irene (Dirs.), “Estudios de casos líderes europeos. Vol. XXIII. Las elecciones libres en la doctrina de Estrasburgo”, Tirant Lo Blanch, México, ISBN 978-84-1397-182-7, págs. 484. 26 enero 2021. 

  • Esquivel Alonso, Yessica (Coord.), Ríos, Vega Luis Efrén- Spigno Irene (Dirs.), “Estudios de casos líderes nacionales y extranjeros. Vol. XIX Cuestiones actuales de las candidaturas independientes”, Tirant Lo Blanch, México, 2021, ISBN 978-84-1378-372-7, págs. 434.10 enero 2022

  • Esquivel Alonso, Yessica y Dávila Aguilar, Carlos Alfredo (Coords.), Ríos, Vega Luis Efrén- Spigno Irene (Dirs.), “La reelección en América Latina en el Siglo XXI”, Tirant Lo Blanch, México, ISBN 978-84-1378-530-1, págs. 324. 11 noviembre 2021.

  • Esquivel Alonso, Yessica (Coord.), Ríos, Vega Luis Efrén- Spigno Irene (Dirs.), “Estudios de casos líderes nacionales y extranjeros. Vol. XXII. La muerte ciudadana en América y Europa. Un debate contemporáneo”, Tirant Lo Blanch, México, ISBN 978-84-1378-759-6, págs. 468. 18 octubre 2021

  • Esquivel Alonso, Yessica (Coord.), Ríos, Vega Luis Efrén- Spigno Irene (Dirs.), “Estudios de casos líderes nacionales y locales. Vol. XXIV. La paridad de género en la justicia electoral mexicana: el modelo Coahuila”, Tirant Lo Blanch, México, ISBN 978-84-1378-470-0, págs. 348. 22 septiembre 2021. 

  • Esquivel Alonso, Yessica (Coord.), Ríos, Vega Luis Efrén- Spigno Irene (Dirs.), “Estudios de casos líderes nacionales y extranjeros. Vol. XVI. E-lecciones en tiempos de redes sociales”, Tirant Lo Blanch, México, ISBN 978-84-1336-999-0, págs. 244. Publicación: 3 noviembre 2020

  • Esquivel Alonso, Yessica (Coord.), Ríos, Vega Luis Efrén- Spigno Irene (Dirs.), “Estudios de casos líderes nacionales y extranjeros. Vol. XV. Las elecciones limpias: el control del gasto electoral”, Tirant Lo Blanch, México, ISBN 978-84-1336-997-6, 340 págs. 1 octubre 2020.

  • Esquivel Alonso, Yessica (Coord.), Ríos, Vega Luis Efrén- Spigno Irene (Dirs.), “Estudios de casos líderes nacionales y extranjeros. Vol. XVIII. Derecho a la información electoral: origen y evolución”, Tirant Lo Blanch, México, ISBN 978-84-1355-317-7, págs. 376. 30 septiembre 2020.


Book chapters (collective works)


  • Esquivel Alonso, Yessica and González Briones, Karla Victoria (in press): "Re-thinking the binary world and its relationship with gender parity in electoral matters", in Judging with a gender perspective by the judges of Baja California, Neira Goeva, Miguel de Jesús (dir.), University of Baja California.

  • Esquivel Alonso, Yessica and González Briones, Karla Victoria (in press): “Suffrage as female vindication”, in Women on the screens, Ríos Vega, Luis Efrén and Spigno, Irene (dirs.), Ruz Dueñas, Gustavo (coord. ), Tirant lo Blanch, Mexico.

  • Estrada Marún, José Antonio and Esquivel Alonso, Yessica (in press): “Coahuila 2021 electoral process”. 

  • Esquivel Alonso, Yessica (in press): “The case of Ricardo Canese vs. Paraguay: freedom of expression in electoral campaign”, in Freedom of expression in Europe and America. Contemporary judicial readings, Ríos Vega, Luis Efrén y Spigno, Irene (dirs.), Santiago Juárez, Rodrigo (coord.), Tirant lo Blanch, México, pp. 215-248. 

  • Esquivel Alonso, Yessica (in press): “Freedom of political expression on the Internet”, in Social Rights, democracy and economy, debates and combats, Aguilera Izaguirre, Gustavo et al., University of Envigado and University of Santiago de Cali, Colombia. 

  • Esquivel Alonso, Yessica and Ruz Dueñas, Fernando Gustavo (2022): “Political Rights in Venezuela: An Outstanding Issue”, in The Right to Political Participation. A Study of the Judgments of the European and Inter-American Courts of Human Rights, Citroni, Gabriella, Spigno, Irene, Tanzarella, Palmina (eds.), Routledge, United Kingdom, ISBN 978-10-3213-444-4.

  • Esquivel Alonso, Yessica (2022): "The figure of the independent candidacy: challenges and opportunities", in Case studies of national and foreign leaders. Vol. XIX Current issues of independent candidacies, Ríos Vega, Luis Efrén y Spigno, Irene (dirs.), Esquivel Alonso, Yessica (coord.), Tirant Lo Blanch, ISBN 978-84-1378-372-7, chapter 9 , p. 289-326. 

  • Esquivel Alonso, Yessica and Martínez Torres, Jesús Manuel (2022): “Independent candidacies and the guarantee of an audience in Coahuila de Zaragoza”, in Case studies of national and local leaders. Vol XXV. Debating electoral justice, Ríos Vega, Luis Efrén y Spigno, Irene (dirs.), Esquivel Alonso, Yessica (coord.), Tirant Lo Blanch, ISBN 978-84-1397-979-6, pp. 377-410.

  • Esquivel Alonso, Yessica and González Briones, Karla Victoria (2022): “Political Turncoat Or Political Dynamics?”, in Turnaround. A political, constitutional and comparative debate, Ríos Vega, Luis Efrén y Spigno, Irene (dirs.), Esquivel Alonso, Yessica (coord.), Tirant Lo Blanch, ISBN 978-84-1397-181-0, chapter 3, pp. . 59-106.

  • Esquivel Alonso, Yessica and Martínez Torres, Jesús Manuel (2022): “Freedom of expression and insults to the Spanish Crown: the case of Stern Taulats and Roura Capellera vs. Spain [2018] of the EDH Tribunal”, in European Leading Case Studies. Vol XXIII. Free elections in the Strasbourg doctrine, Ríos Vega, Luis Efrén y Spigno, Irene (dirs.), Esquivel Alonso, Yessica (coord.), Tirant Lo Blanch, México, ISBN 978-84-1397-182-7, chapter 2, pp. 67-93. 

  • Esquivel Alonso, Yessica (2021): “On freedom of expression, sanctions and other things: a look at European and American jurisprudence”, in Standards for the protection of the rights of journalists and human rights defenders. A toolbox for justice operators, Ríos Vega, Luis Efrén y Spigno, Irene (dirs.), Santiago Juárez, Rodrigo (coord.), Tirant Lo Blanch, ISBN 978-84-1113-019-6, chapter 6 , p. 133-169. 

  • Esquivel Alonso, Yessica and Rivera Treviño, Elena (2021): "Transversal parity: in search of a balance in the application and registration of candidacies", in Case studies of national and local leaders. Vol XXIV. Gender parity in Mexican electoral justice: the model Coahuila, Ríos Vega, Luis Efrén y Spigno, Irene (dirs.), Esquivel Alonso, Yessica (coord.), Tirant Lo Blanch, ISBN 978-84-1378-470- 0, chapter 7, pp. 161-192.

  • Esquivel Alonso, Yessica (2021): "The secretariat of presentations of the Superior Chamber and regional chambers", in Status, organization and operation of the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Power of the Federation, Volume 1, Astudillo, César and Orozco Herníquez, J. Jesús (dirs.), Tirant Lo Blanch, Mexico, ISBN 978-84-1378-469-4, chapter 61, pp. 873-887. 

  • Esquivel Alonso, Yessica and Estrada Marún, José Antonio (2021): “COVID-19 and the right to health in Mexico”, in The right to health in the United States, Mexico and Central America in the context of COVID-19, Mejía R., Joaquín A. (dirs.), Diakonia, Gaymas, ISBN 978-999979-843, chapter III, pp. 89-113. 

  • Esquivel Alonso, Yessica and Oyervides Vaquera, César Adrián (2021): “Financial autonomy of subnational entities. An external view”, in The institutions of self-government of the Valencian Community in the Spanish political system, Sanjuán, Francisco Javier (dir.), pp. 143-168. 

  • Esquivel Alonso, Yessica and Estrada Marún, José Antonio (2020): "Equity in the political communication model in Mexico", in Electoral Law Perspectives, Mata Pizaña, Felipe de la and Coello Garcés, Clicerio (coords.), UBIJUS, Mexico, pp. 171-220, ISBN 978-607-8615-31-5

  • Esquivel Alonso, Yessica (2020): "The right to peaceful assembly and demonstration", in Voices for the University of Human Rights 70 years after the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Martínez Ramírez, Fabiola et al. (coords.), Institute of Constitutional Studies of the State of Querétaro, Mexico, pp. 409-440, ISBN 978-607-7811-65-3.

  • Esquivel Alonso, Yessica (2018): “Democratic Republic”, in The Chamber of Deputies 100 years after the Constitution of 1917, Santiago Juárez, Mario (coord.), Chamber of Deputies LXIII Legislature, Mexico, pp. 102-112.

  • Esquivel Alonso, Yessica (2015): “Right to honor in the Doctrine of the Spanish Constitutional Court”, in Constitutional Justice, Fundamental Rights and Democracy, Human Rights Procedural Law Collection, Herrera García, Alfonso and Rodríguez Chandoquí, Pedro (coords. ), UBIJUS, Mexico, chapter 8, pp. 265-297, ISBN 978-607-9389-29-1.

  • Esquivel Alonso, Yessica and Estrada Marún, José Antonio (2015): "Some challenges of the political communication model in Mexico", in On the new electoral federalism in Mexico. Democratic Monitor 2015, Molina Piñeiro, Luis J. (ed.); Castaneda Rivas, Maria Leoba; Montoya Zamora, Raul; Díaz Vázquez, Víctor Manuel (coords.), COPUEX AC-UNAM, Electoral Court of the State of Durango, IMIPE, Mexico, pgs. 1189-1214.

  • Esquivel Alonso, Yessica (2013): "The possible inclusion of the «truthfulness test» in the electoral campaign", in The presidential elections 2012. Electoral democratic normality by judicial legalization: Nationalization or Federalization of electoral competitions in Mexico?, Democratic monitor Molina Piñeiro, Luis J. et al. (coords.), COPUEX-UNAM, IEEM, Mexico, pgs. 1199-1224. ISBN 978-607-9028-41-1. Available at: 

  • Esquivel Alonso, Yessica (2013): "Conceptual problem of «Nation» in the Constitution of 1812", in Two centuries knocking on the door (1812-2012), Cantos Casenave M. and Lozano Salado L., Publications Service of the University of Cádiz, Cádiz, chapter 15, pp. 281-297. ISNB-978-84-9828-400-3.

Capítulos de libros (obras colectivas)

Articles in magazines


  • Esquivel Alonso, Yessica and Hernández Leal, Fernando (in press): “Local re-election. Jurisprudential analysis of the Coahuila case”, in Constitutional Issues. Mexican Review of Constitutional Law, Institute of Legal Research, Mexico.

  • Estrada Marún, José Antonio and Esquivel Alonso, Yessica (2019): "The appointment of the judges of the Italian Constitutional Court", in the Mexican Bulletin of Comparative Law, no. 154, pp. 39-75. ISSN 2448-4873. DOI: 

  • Esquivel Alonso, Yessica (2016): "Dreams of freedom and censorship: the freedom of the press of 1810", in the Journal of Political Studies, no. 174, October-December, pp. 143-172. ISSN. 00487694. Doi:

  • Esquivel Alonso, Yessica (2016): “Hate speech in the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights”, in Constitutional Issues, no. 35, July-December, pp. 3-44. ISSN. 14059193. DOI:

  • Esquivel Alonso, Yessica (2013): “The requirement of special constitutional transcendence: «decide not to decide», Estudios de Deusto, vol.61/ 2, Bilbao, July-December, pp. 173-200. ISSN. 04234847

  • Esquivel Alonso, Yessica(2011): "The father of Mexican federalism lived in Cádiz", in Clarín de los bicentenarios, no. 1, 2011, p. 23. Available at:

Artículos en revistas

Jurisprudential comments


  • Esquivel Alonso, Yessica (2011): "Commentary to the SSTC 162/2011, 163/2011 and 165 to present endorsements of Candidatures (169.3 LOREG)", in Forum Magazine of Legal and Social Sciences, New era, no. 14, 2011, pp. 263-266. ISSN 1698-55-83.

Comentarios jurisprudenciales

Dissemination/Newspaper columns/Blog





  • Ferrer Mac-Gregor, Eduardo et al. (coords.) (in press): Dictionary of Constitutional and Conventional Procedural Law, 1001 voices, Third Edition, Institute of Legal Research-UNAM and Institute of Constitutional Studies of the State of Querétaro. Collaboration with the voices: model of political communication, negative propaganda and hate speech.

  • Collaboration in the preparation of the working document Presidentialism and parliamentarism in constitutional jurisprudence.  IX Ibero-American Conference on Constitutional Justice, Cádiz, May 17, 18 and 19, 2012.  Available at: 

  • Collaboration in the preparation of the Book Review: Villaseñor Goyzueta, Claudia A. (2012): Proportionality and limits of fundamental rights. General theory and its reflection in Mexican jurisprudence, prologue by Germán Gómez Orfanel, México, Porrúa, 2011, pp.257. Mexican Journal of Constitutional Law. Constitutional Issues, no. 27, July-December, pp. 399-408. Available at:

  • Collaboration in the writing of the "Notes of constitutional jurisprudence" in the Association of Analysts in Constitutional Doctrine. 2011-2012. Available at:

  • Translation from Italian to Spanish:

  • Pegoraro, Lucio (2012): Glossary of Comparative Public Law, Porrúa, Mexico. Collaboration in the translation of the following concepts: electoral systems (pp. 373-377), immunity of constitutional bodies (pp. 246-247), preventive control of constitutionality (p. 59), successive control of constitutionality (p. 59 ), constitutional courts (pp. 389-390), direct appeal for constitutionality (pp. 335 and 336).

Divulgación/Columnas de periódico/Blog

“La inacabada batalla de la libertad de expresión”, fecha de publicación: 28 marzo 2015. Publicación en periódico. Disponible en:

“La transparente forma de reservar información”, fecha de publicación: 28 abril 2015. Publicación en periódico. Disponible en: 


“Voto de los mexicanos residentes en el extranjero”, fecha de publicación: 15 mayo 2015. Publicación en periódico. Disponible en:

“Malestar electoral”, fecha de publicación: 7 junio 2015. Publicación en periódico. Disponible en:


Colaboración en la traducción del Español al Inglés:

Divulgación/Columnas de periódico/Blog

Teaching experience

  • Master's Class in Amparo, Center for Legal Studies Carbonell AC, Mexico City. Subject: "Theory of the Constitution", January 28 and 29, 2022 (9 hours).

  • Master's Class in Amparo, Center for Legal Studies Carbonell AC, Mexico City. Subject: "Practical application of human rights", October 23 and 24, 2021 (9 hours).

  • Master's class in Constitutional Law and Constitutional Procedure, Meritorious University of Oaxaca. Subject: "Theory of Fundamental Rights", July 23 and 24, August 6 and 7, 2021 (4:00 p.m.).

  • Master's Class in Amparo, Center for Legal Studies Carbonell AC, Mexico City. Subject: "Constitutional control systems", July 24 and 25, 2021 (9 hours). 

  • Class of Specialty in Gender and Human Rights, Autonomous University of Coahuila. Subject: Electoral law and gender, May 28, 29, June 4 and 5, 2021 (4:00 p.m.).

  • Master's Degree in Legal Sciences, Autonomous University of Baja California.  Subject: Electoral Law, February 2 to May 29, 2021 (32 hours) PNPC.

  • Master's Class in Advanced Studies in Human Rights, Autonomous University of Coahuila. Subject: Models of Constitutional Control, March 12, 13, 19, 20 and 27 and April 16 and 17, 2021 (36 hours). 

  • Master's class in Constitutional Law and Human Rights, Center for Legal Studies Carbonell AC, Mexico City. Subject: "General Theory of Fundamental Rights", March 27 and 28, 2021 (9 hours).

  • Master's Class in Oral Trials, Center for Legal Studies Carbonell AC, Mexico City. Subject: "General Theory of Fundamental Rights", March 27 and 28, 2021 (9 hours).

  • Master's class in Constitutional Law and Human Rights, Center for Legal Studies Carbonell AC, Mexico City. Subject: "Constitutional control system", February 28, 2021  (9 hours).

  • Master's Class in Amparo, Center for Legal Studies Carbonell AC, Mexico City. Subject: "Constitutional control system", February 26 and 27, 2021 (9 hours).

  • Class of Doctorate in Law, Center for Legal Studies Carbonell AC, Mexico City. Subject: "Workshop on practical cases of the Supreme Court of the Nation", January 22 and 23, 2021 (9 hours).

  • Political Rights Specialty Class with International and Comparative Perspective, Autonomous University of Coahuila. Subject: Cases of the Inter-American Electoral Jurisprudence, January 15 and January 22 and 23, 2021 (4:00 p.m.).

  • Master's Class in Legal Argumentation, Center for Legal Studies Carbonell AC, Mexico City. Subject: "Legal interpretation techniques", October 24, 2020 (9 hours).

  • Master's Class in Amparo, Center for Legal Studies Carbonell AC, Mexico City. Subject: "Constitutional control system", September 28 and 29, 2020 (9 hours).

  • Master's Class in Amparo, Carbonell Center for Legal Studies. Subject: "Constitutional Interpretation", August 29 and 30, 2020 (9 hours). 

  • Master's class in Constitutional Law and Human Rights, Center for Legal Studies Carbonell AC, Mexico City. Subject: "Constitutional Interpretation", August 24 and 25, 2020 (9 hours). 

  • Master's Class in Government and Public Affairs, El Colegio de Sonora. Subject: Human Rights and Democracy, January 18 to March 14, 2020. PNPC Program. 

  • Master's Class in Human Rights with International and Comparative Perspective, Autonomous University of Coahuila. Subject: Theory of International Human Rights Law, April 20 to 22, 2020 (9 hours). 

  • Political Rights Specialty Class with International and Comparative Perspective, Autonomous University of Coahuila. Subject: Cases of the Mexican Electoral Jurisprudence I, March 6 to 21, 2020 (evaluator).

  • Political Rights Specialty Class with International and Comparative Perspective, Autonomous University of Coahuila. Subject: Cases of the Mexican Electoral Jurisprudence I, March 6 to 21, 2020 (24 hours).

  • Master's Class in Human Rights with International and Comparative Perspective, Autonomous University of Coahuila. Subject: Civil and Political Rights, November 11 to December 5, 2019 (48 hours).

  • Political Rights Specialty Class with International and Comparative Perspective, Autonomous University of Coahuila. Subject: Theory of Democracy I, August 16 and 17, 2019 (8 hours).

  • Research Protocol Development Workshop Seminar. National Autonomous University of Mexico, January 28 to February 27, 2019 (40 hours). PNPC program. 

  • Master's classes in Amparo at the Salesian University. Mexico City Campus. Subject: Direct Amparo, January 5 to April 27, 2019 (26 hours).

  • Master's classes in Amparo at the Center for Legal Studies Carbonell AC, Mexico City. Subject: Amparo, December 8 and 15, 2018 (2:00 p.m.).

  • Master's classes in Constitutional Law and Human Rights at the Center for Legal Studies Carbonell AC, Mexico City. Subject: Constitutional Interpretation, February 12, 13, 26 and 27, 2018 (20 hours). 

  • Master's classes in Amparo at the Center for Legal Studies Carbonell AC, Mexico City. Subject: Amparo, December 2 and 9, 2017 (2:00 p.m.).

  • Ph.D. class in Law at the Autonomous University of the Northeast. Saltillo Coahuila. Subject: Qualitative Research, September 1 and 2, 2017 (7 hours). 

  • Ph.D. class in Law at the Autonomous University of the Northeast. Saltillo Coahuila. Subject: Means of constitutional control, December 4 and 5, 2015 (7 hours).

  • Title of the paper: Presentation of the book "Human Rights 21st Century. Compilation of opinion articles [2018-2019]Venue and year: November 4, 2021, Saltillo, CoahuilaType of participation. presentation

  • Title of the presentation: Virtual Forum: "Constitutional and legal reform on Rainbow Quotas and other groups in a situation of vulnerability for popularly elected positions at the federal level in Mexico."  Venue and year: October 20, 2021, online.  Type of participation. Presentation

  • Title of the paper: “Political rights in Venezuela: a pending issue”ICON-S World annualVenue and year: July 6-9, 2021, online. Type of participation. presentation

  • Title of the presentation: "Rainbow quotas and other groups in a situation of vulnerability: from Aguascalientes to Mexico"INEVenue and year: May 17, 2021, online. Type of participation. Presentation

  • Presentation of the Ombudsman Report “Without us, there is no democracy”Bolivian Ombudsman.  Venue and year: March 30, 2021, online.  Type of participation. Commentary to the law

  • Title of the paper: “Freedom of expression and fairness in the contest”Panel Cycle of dialogue tables "Dialogues for a Fair Mexico"Venue and year: March 15, 2021, online.  Type of participation. presentation

  • Title of the paper: "Access to public information"International Human Rights Observatory Panel “Local justice. The debate on human rights in the local Electoral Tribunal”Venue and year: November 12, 2020, online.  Organizing entity/group. Inter-American Academy of Human Rights . Type of participation. Presentation

  • Title of the paper: "Legislative omission to classify incitement to racial discrimination"Human Rights ForumVenue and year: November 5, 2020, online.  Type of participation. Presentation.

  • Title of the presentation: "Affirmative actions, quotas and positive discrimination"

  • Panel "Strategic litigation for the defense of the electoral political rights of the LGBTI + community".  Venue and year: August 12, 2020, online.  Organizing entity/group: INEType of participation: Presentation 

  • E-lectoral Master Conferences. Theme “Freedom of political expression and negative propaganda”.  Venue and year: April 16, 2020, onlineOrganizing entity/group: Electoral Judicial SchoolType of participation: Keynote Conference.

  • Conference: “The impact of corruption on Human Rights”Place and date of celebration: January 24, 2020Organizing entity/group. Citizen Participation CouncilType of participation. Master Conference.

  • Title of the paper: "Challenges of the intention of the vote in independent candidacies"Place and date of celebration: May 31, 2019, Arteaga, Coahuila

  • Organizing entity/group: Inter-American Academy of Human Rights.  Type of participation: Speaker 

  • Title of the paper: "The model of political communication in a federal key",  in the International Seminar “On the new electoral federalism in Mexico”.  Place and date of celebration: November 26, 2014, Madrid.  Organizing entity/group: Copuex, Complutense University of Madrid and Forum of Young Researchers in Law of the UCM.  Type of participation: Speaker

  • Title of the paper: "Jurisprudential evolution of the «special constitutional transcendence» in the doctrine of the Spanish Constitutional Court", in II Conference ADOC / UNED "Constitutional justice and protection of fundamental rights in Europe and Latin America".  Place and date of celebration: September 24, 2013, MadridOrganizing entity/group: National University of Distance Education.Type of participation: Speaker

  • Title of the paper: “Constitutional problems of the Right to Honour. A jurisprudential analysis of the Constitutional Court” in Conference on Fundamental Rights of ADOCPlace and date of celebration: June 28 and 29, 2012, SpainOrganizing entity/group: National University of Distance Education. of participation: Speaker 

  • Title of the paper: “An approach to the conceptual problem of freedom of expression”Place and date of celebration: May 9, 2012, SpainOrganizing entity/group: Alumni Seminar of the Center for Political and Constitutional Studies.  Type of participation: Speaker 

  • Title of the paper: “Freedom of expression in the Constitution of 1812”Place and date of celebration: April 28, 2011, SpainOrganizing entity/group: Forum of “Young Researchers in Law”. Headquarters Institute of Parliamentary Law at the Complutense University of Madrid. Type of participation: Speaker!cv/cglc

Congresos y seminarios
Formación de capital humano

Participation in talks, forums and other outreach activities

  • Event: "The judicial guarantee of the right of women to choose (I)"International Human Rights Observatory 2022Venue and year: March 7, 2022 online.  Organizing entity/group. Inter-American Academy of Human RightsType of participation. moderator

  • Event: Presentation of the book “Case studies of national and foreign leaders. Vol XIX. Current issues of independent candidacies”, Ríos Vega, Luis Efrén and Spigno, Irene (dirs.).  Venue and year, January 20, 2022, onlineOrganizing entity/group. Inter-American Academy of Human RightsType of participation: Moderator 

  • Event: Presentation of the book “Re-election in Latin America in the 21st century”, Ríos Vega, Luis Efrén and Spigno, Irene (dirs.)  Venue and year: November 24, 2021, online  Organizing entity/group. Inter-American Academy of Human RightsType of participation: Moderator

  • Event: Presentation of the book “Case studies of national and local leaders. Vol XXIV. Gender parity in Mexican electoral justice: the Coahuila model”, Ríos Vega, Luis Efrén and Spigno, Irene (dirs.)Venue and year: October 15, 2021, online.Organizing entity/group. Inter-American Academy of Human RightsType of participation: Moderator

  • Event: Presentation of the book “Case studies of national and foreign leaders. Volume XVIII. Right to electoral information: origin and evolution, Ríos Vega, Luis Efrén and Spigno, Irene (dirs.)  Venue and year: May 7, 2021, onlineOrganizing entity/group. Inter-American Academy of Human RightsType of participation: Moderator.

  • Event: Presentation of the book “National leading case studies. Vol XVI. E-lessons in times of social networks”, Ríos Vega, Luis Efrén and Spigno, Irene (dirs.)Venue and year: April 16, 2021, online.  Organizing entity/group. Inter-American Academy of Human RightsType of participation: ModeratorEvent: “Migration, human rights and environment discussion table”Venue and year: November 27, 2020, onlineOrganizing entity/group. Inter-American Academy of Human RightsType of participation: Event organizer 

  • Event: Session VI “The proportional trial of the deprivation of political rights”Venue and year: October 22, 2020 (on-line)Organizing entity/group. Inter-American Academy of Human RightsType of participation: Moderator of the panel

  • Event: Third session “The right to cancel a criminal record”, of the Workshop “Judging from a human rights perspective, criminal section. Antonio Berchelmann Arizpe Chair”Venue and year: September 10, 2020 (on-line)Organizing entity/group. Inter-American Academy of Human RightsType of participation: Moderator of the panel.

  • Event: Table "Right to freedom of movement", at the International Observatory of Human Rights "Constitutional problem of the restriction of freedom of movement in the times of COVID-19"Venue and year: September 3, 2020 (on-line)Organizing entity/group. Inter-American Academy of Human RightsType of participation: Moderator of the table

  • Event: Conference x "The right to privacy and the processing of personal data", in AIDH Online Seminar "Human rights in the times of the COVID-19 pandemic"Venue and year: July 2, 2020 (on-line)Organizing entity/group. Inter-American Academy of Human RightsType of participation: Moderator of the panel.

  • Event: Presentation of the book “National leading case studies. Vol VIII. Current issues of electoral crimes”, Ríos Vega, Luis Efrén and Spigno, Irene (dirs.)  Venue and year: June 26, 2020, online.  Type of participation: Moderator.

  • Event: Presentation of the book “Suffrage on the screens. Current perspectives of political rights from the cinema”Venue and year: Arteaga, Coahuila February 28, 2020Organizing entity/group: Inter-American Academy of Human RightsType of participation: Comment on the book.

  • Event: Presentation of the “State index of freedom of expression in Mexico 2019”Venue and year: Arteaga, Coahuila, June 20, 2019.  Organizing entity/group: USAID, CASEDE, Inter-American Academy of Human Rights of the Autonomous University of Coahuila, Autonomous University of ChihuahuaType of participation: Commentator.

  • Event: “Ten years after the Campo Algodonero judgment”Venue and year: Arteaga, Coahuila, November 27, 2019Organizing entity/group: Inter-American Academy of Human Rights.  Type of participation: Moderator at the inaugural conference

  • Event: Table III: "Costa Rica: the judicial annulment of the constitutional prohibition of non-consecutive re-election", in the first Jordanian of the Research Project "Re-election in Latin America of the 21st century"Venue and year: Arteaga, Coahuila, Conference I, April 4, 2019.  Organizing entity/group. Inter-American Academy of Human Rights.  Type of participation: Coordinator and moderator.

  • Event: Comments on the book “Las Puertas de la Corte. Legitimation in the constitutional controversy and action of unconstitutionality in Mexico” by Mauro Arturo Rivera León. Venue: Mexico City, June 22, 2016Organizing entity/group: Center for Constitutional Studies and the General Directorate of Studies, Promotion and Development of Human Rights of the Supreme Court of Justice of the NationType of participation: Comment on the book.

  • Event: Presentation of the book “The judicial control of the constitutional reform. Theoretical and comparative aspects” by Sabrina Ragone.  Venue: July 16, 2016, Madrid, Spain.  Organizing entity/group: Faculty of Law, Complutense University of Madrid.  Type of participation: Comment on the book.

Thesis addresses

Ponencias en seminarios/congresos


  • Specialization in Political Rights with an International and Comparative Perspective, by the student Clara P. Mujica Valdez, with the thesis: "Freedom of Expression in Social Networks (Facebook and Twitter) during electoral campaigns and their media impact." Inter-American Academy of Human Rights. Defense February 24, 2022. (Honorable Mention).

  • Master's degree in Human Rights with an international and comparative perspective, by the student Karla Victoria González Briones, with the thesis: "Political gender violence: Coahuila 2020 case". Inter-American Academy of Human Rights. Defense October 18, 2021. 

  • Specialty in Right to Information, Supervision and Fight against Corruption, of the student Karla Victoria González Briones, with the thesis: "Supervision in social networks". Inter-American Academy of Human Rights. Defense March 23, 2020. (Honorable Mention). 

  • Master's Degree in Human Rights of the student Cintlali Verónica Burgos Flores, with the thesis "Collision of human rights in media trials in Mexico (2010-2017). Institute of the Federal Judiciary, Jalisco Headquarters, 2018-2019. Defense June 21, 2019. (Approved unanimously).


In progress

  • Specialty in Right to Information, Supervision and Fight against Corruption, of the student Melissa O. García Garay, with the thesis: “Access to information”, Inter-American Academy of Human Rights, 2021.

  • Doctorate in Law, (co-direction) of the student Elena Rivera Treviño, with the thesis "Reelection of mayors: a right to guarantee", Universidad de Monterrey, 2019-2022. 

  • Master's degree in Human Rights with an International and Comparative Perspective, by the student Luis Rodrigo Galván Ríos, with the thesis: "Limitation of the political rights of people in prison", Inter-American Academy of Human Rights, 2020-2021. 

  • Master's degree in Human Rights, administration of justice of justice and gender, of the student Miguel Ángel González García, with the thesis "Means of defense for the protection of the human rights of migrants housed in immigration stations", Institute of the Federal Judiciary, 2020.*

  • Master's degree in Human Rights, administration of justice of justice and gender, of the student Luis Felipe Escalante Pasos, with the thesis "Electronic surveillance in ministerial investigation" ”, Institute of the Federal Judiciary, 2020.

  • Master's degree in Human Rights, administration of justice of justice and gender, of the student Patricia Susana Rodríguez Gálvez, with the thesis "The Human Right to prior, free and informed consultation to indigenous peoples and communities in Mexico", Institute of the Judiciary Federal, 2020.

  • Master's degree in Human Rights, administration of justice of justice and gender, of the student Rafael Alberto Vásquez Elizondo, with the thesis "Legislative omission in the matter of equal marriage", Institute of the Federal Judiciary, 2020. (March 31 defends thesis).


  • Student Melissa Daniel Valdés Méndez, student of the Specialization in Gender and Human Rights, Inter-American Academy of Human Rights, 2020-2021.

  • Student Andrea Paola Gutiérrez Espinoza, student of the Master's Degree in Human Rights with International and Comparative Perspective, Inter-American Academy of Human Rights, 2020-2021.

  • Patricia López Ramos, Ph.D. in economics, specialization in gender and human rights, UNAM. Police violence against women legislators in Mexico. 2021-2022

  • Online tutoring in the "Research Protocol Workshop Seminar", at the Faculty of Law, Postgraduate Studies Division, National Autonomous University of Mexico, 40 hours, from January 28 to February 27, 2017.

Actividades de divulgación

academic courts

  • Paola Patricia Becerra Duarte degree exam synod.  Specialty: Journalists Institution: Inter-American Academy of Human Rights of the Autonomous University of Coahuila.  Place and date: March 7, 2022, online

  • Jorge Cruz Caballero degree examination synodSpecialty: Political Rights with an International and Comparative PerspectiveInstitution: Inter-American Academy of Human Rights of the Autonomous University of Coahuila.  Place and date: March 1, 2022, online.

  • Semester Tutor Committee of the Doctoral Program in Law of the University of Monterrey, UDEM. Student Jesus Manuel Martinez TorresPlace and date: February 10, 2022, online.

  • Magdalena López Valdez Degree Examination SynodSpecialty: Rights and Guarantees of the Victims of DisappearanceInstitution: Inter-American Academy of Human Rights of the Autonomous University of Coahuila.  Place and date: February 8, 2022, online 

  • Aida Alejandra de la Rosa Peña's thesis defense synodSpecialty: Right to Information, Supervision and Fight against CorruptionInstitution: Inter-American Academy of Human Rights of the Autonomous University of Coahuila.  Place and date: June 9, 2021, online.

  • Synod for the thesis defense of Mara Patricia Hernández CortezSpecialty: Right to Information, Supervision and Fight against CorruptionInstitution: Inter-American Academy of Human Rights of the Autonomous University of Coahuila.  Place and date: June 9, 2021, online.

  • Gisela García Garza thesis defense synodSpecialty: Gender and Human RightsInstitution: Inter-American Academy of Human Rights of the Autonomous University of Coahuila.  Place and date: Saltillo, Coahuila, December 15, 2020. 

  • Member of the evaluation committee of the aspiring candidates for the Master's Degree in Advanced Studies in Human RightsInstitution: Inter-American Academy of Human Rights of the Autonomous University of Coahuila.  Place and date: Saltillo, Coahuila, June 2020.

  • Member of the evaluation committee of the aspiring candidates of the Specialty in Right to information, Control and Fight against Corruption.  Institution: Inter-American Academy of Human Rights of the Autonomous University of Coahuila.  Place and date: Saltillo, Coahuila, June 2020.

  • General Knowledge Examination Synod Francisca Wendoolynd Balderas Cardona Specialty: Right to Information, Supervision and Fight against CorruptionInstitution: Inter-American Academy of Human Rights of the Autonomous University of Coahuila. Place and date: Saltillo, Coahuila, June 19, 2020.

  • President of the Defense Synod Thesis of Fernando Gustavo Ruz DueñasSpecialty: Rights and Guarantees of the Victims of DisappearanceInstitution: Inter-American Academy of Human Rights of the Autonomous University of Coahuila.  Place and date: Saltillo, Coahuila, June 3, 2020. 

  • President of the Defense Synod Thesis of Diana Vanessa Gutiérrez EspinozaSpecialty: Rights and Guarantees of the Victims of DisappearanceInstitution: Inter-American Academy of Human Rights of the Autonomous University of Coahuila.  Place and date: Saltillo, Coahuila, March 2, 2020.

  • President of the General Knowledge Examination Synod of José Juan Morales GalindoInstitution: Inter-American Academy of Human Rights of the Autonomous University of Coahuila.  Place and date: Saltillo, Coahuila, January 20, 2020.

  • President of the General Knowledge Examination Synod of Ana Marcela Lombell de ValleSpecialty: Rights and Guarantees of the Victims of Disappearance.  Institution: Inter-American Academy of Human Rights of the Autonomous University of Coahuila.  Place and date: Saltillo, Coahuila, November 11, 2019

  • President of the General Knowledge Examination Synod of Tanhairi del Carmen Hernández Flores.  Institution: Inter-American Academy of Human Rights of the Autonomous University of Coahuila.  Place and date: Saltillo, Coahuila, November 11, 2019.

  • President of the General Knowledge Examination Synod of Ángel Antonio Escobedo Bocardo.  Institution: Inter-American Academy of Human Rights of the Autonomous University of Coahuila.  Place and date: Saltillo, Coahuila, November 4, 2019.

  • President of the General Knowledge Examination Synod of Martha Delia de la Cruz Corona  Specialty: Rights and Guarantees of the Victims of DisappearanceInstitution: Inter-American Academy of Human Rights of the Autonomous University of Coahuila.  Place and date: Saltillo, Coahuila, August 28, 2019.

  • President of the General Knowledge Examination Synod of Miguel Alberto Castillo Perales.  Institution: Inter-American Academy of Human Rights of the Autonomous University of Coahuila.  Place and date: Saltillo, Coahuila, August 28, 2019

  • Member of the evaluation committee of the aspiring candidates for the Master's degree. Human Rights with an International and Comparative Perspective.  Institution: Inter-American Academy of Human Rights of the Autonomous University of Coahuila.  Place and date: Saltillo, Coahuila, May 2019.

  • Member of the evaluation committee of the aspiring candidates of the Specialization in Political Rights with an International and Comparative perspective.  Institution: Inter-American Academy of Human Rights of the Autonomous University of Coahuila.  Place and date: Saltillo, Coahuila, May 2019.

Direcciones de tesis

Works in special cases

  • Technical report of the “Observation of the electoral process. Parity and gender violence Coahuila 2020”, Inter-American Academy of Human Rights, 2020-2021.

  • Online tutoring in the "Research Protocol Workshop Seminar", at the Faculty of Law, Postgraduate Studies Division, National Autonomous University of Mexico, 40 hours, from January 28 to February 27, 2017.

Trabajos en casos especiales

Other relevant academic information

  • Recognition of the Federal Electoral Institute for the collaboration to promote and disseminate the right to vote of Mexicans residing abroad, within the framework of the Federal Electoral Process 2011-2012.

  • Member of the Parliamentary Law Institute of the Complutense University of Madrid (2013-to date)

  • Coordinator of Publications of the Forum of Young Researchers in Law of the Complutense University of Madrid (2012-2015)

  • Member of the CEPC Alumni Network (2013-to date).

  • Association of Analysts of Constitutional Doctrine. Secretary (12/2011–12/2012). Member since 2011-to date.

  • Member of the Forum of "Young Researchers in Law" of the Parliamentary Law Institute of the Complutense University of Madrid. Spain, (2010-to date).

  • Seminar for former students of the Center for Political and Constitutional Studies. Assistant member (2011-to date).


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