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Academia IDH signed a collaboration agreement with the European Public Law Organization (Greece)

Arteaga, Coahuila. – The Inter-American Academy of Human Rights (IDH Academy) of the Autonomous University of Coahuila (UAdeC), represented by its General Director, Dr. Irene Spigno, has celebrated on March 1, 2022 a general academic collaboration agreement with the European Public Law Organization (EPLO), whose headquarters are located in Athens, Greece and its highest authority is the Director Vicky Lykoura.

The EPLO is dedicated to creating and sharing knowledge on public, comparative, environmental, human rights and governance law; was established in 2007 as a continuation of the European Public Law Center (EPLC), which had been founded in 1995. Since then, this international organization has developed, organized, promoted and supported more than 200 programs and projects of higher education, research, training , networking and other activities, as well as assisting democratic institutions in more than 70 countries.

Thus, with objectives and functions in common between the EPLO and the IDH Academy, the formalization of an instrument with bases for joint participation and exchange in matters of human formation, legal research and promotion of the defense and guarantee of human rights provides a framework to unite and direct efforts in attention to the current needs in our communities, in society in general and for the subsistence of democracy.


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